Welcome to Ε.S.Ε. (Ένωση Sluts Ελλάδος a.k.a. Greek Sluts Union)!
We, the people that were inspired to found Ε.S.Ε., reclaim the word slut and reuse it as a word with positive meaning that describes a person who experiences and enjoys his sexuality freely, with love and without shame, who has integrity and (some elementary) ethics and does not allow rigid rules and the prejudices of the conventional, politic, religious, BDSM, or other societies to limit or restrict his experiences.
Writer: Prema Marina. Contribution: Sam. HTML and Programming: Panacotta of Doom. Ε.S.Ε. Board: Lola, Hermis, Prema, Panacotta of Doom.
Important notice: after several submissions (and complaints about this being only a Greek thing) from foreign individuals we have decided to expand this institution and upgrade it to universal status. The original Greek part will remain as the Greek affiliate branch, but everybody else will be able to enjoy their participation in the newly founded international institution for sluts: Universal Sluts Union (a.k.a. U.S.U.). Relevant information will soon be available to you. After all, we sluts DO like to ...unite.
This questionnaire does not constitute canon. With it we want to see how open-minded, self-aware and sex-loving (and horny) the people who take it are, as well as how much they accept their own sexuality. We do not claim to define any new constitution or set of rules, nor that we can diagnose any clinical (or otherwise) psychological condition. We also wish to declare that we ARE prejudiced: we believe that sex and kink are good and that pleasure is good for you and that they ARE a normal, healthy part of human nature, as long as they are done in mutual agreement and without permanent damage to our body or psyche.
This test aims to demonstrate whether you are fit (according to our standards — fter all WE founded E.S.E.) to be part of our union.
If you pass the written test, we reserve the right to request your participation in a live practical examination by the E.S.E. board for your final results. This will depend on our mood, whether we personally like you, or if we are just feeling horny. You have the right to say no of course.
Please go carefully through the answers. A lot of thought has gone into them and some are quite tricky (we are kinky, we like to torment people). Chose the answer that suits you best.
If you'd like to add something to or explain your answer click on “Do you have a comment or clarification:” and fill in your comment.